Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Sick kids

Ahhh, we are having a heat wave, at the end of July, and alas, I have a sick child with 101 to 103.3 temperatures. Ugh. I was hoping for a sick free summer, but I guess that's not in the plans. Poor Jake, fever, coughing, a little bit of vomiting, sore throat, ear aches, stomach aches, you name it. Pray for his comfort and fast healing please!!

The rest of us are holding steady, hoping we don't get it!!

ON a better note, Corbin has been standing and taking one step here and there. Last month when I noticed he was wanting to walk, I wondered if he would be actually walking for his birthday, and now I know he will. This is so fun!!!! Seeing him do it when no one is asking him to and lots of times when no one is even looking is really cool because he is doing it because HE wants to.

Well, havent' run since last thursday since we were out of town Friday and Saturday, church and visit to the in-laws on Sunday, not much sleep since then. So, off for an easy run, then another day laying low at home tending to my sick Jake and enjoying all my children.

May your day be filled with joy, peace, and happniess and so much of God's goodness!!

Lisa :)

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